Point Thomson Project Reaches Construction Milestones
- More than 1,100 Alaskans employed during winter work season
- Permanent camp fully operational
- Export pipeline completion expected this winter
- Key subcontracts awarded to CH2M HILL Alaska
“ExxonMobil is strongly committed to hiring Alaskans and, with its
contractors, employed more than 1,100 Alaskans during the 2013 winter
work season,” said
Alaska Frontier Constructors were involved in completing the site airstrip and finishing construction of a service pier. A permanent camp, providing meals and housing to project workers, was built and is now fully operational. More than 35 Alaska companies worked on the project during the summer.
Point Thomson’s telecommunications and power systems are also fully
operational. Completion of a condensate export pipeline – linking Point
“Point Thomson’s infrastructure can help unlock the eastern portion of
CH2M HILL Alaska was awarded a subcontract for the installation of
production system modules that make up the principle components of the
permanent Point Thomson facilities.
CH2M HILL Alaska was also awarded a subcontract to fabricate and install the standby power-generation module, which will provide backup power for the entire facility in 2014.
These subcontracts will provide employment opportunities for many
The Point Thomson Unit, operated by
CAUTIONARY STATEMENT: Estimates, expectations, and business plans in this release are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including production rates, ultimate recoveries, and project plans and schedules, could differ materially due to changes in market conditions affecting the oil and gas industry or long-term oil and gas price levels; political or regulatory developments; reservoir performance; timely completion of development projects; technical or operating factors; and other factors discussed under the heading "Factors Affecting Future Results" in the Investor Information section of our website (www.exxonmobil.com) and in Item 1A of our most recent Form 10-K. References to "recoverable resources" and similar terms include quantities of oil and gas that are not yet classified as proved reserves but that we believe will be produced in the future. The term "project" as used in this release does not necessarily have the same meaning as under SEC Rule 13q-1 relating to government payment reporting. A single project for purposes of that rule may encompass numerous properties, agreements, investments, developments, phases, work efforts, activities, and components, each of which we may also describe informally as a "project.”
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